of spam activity and possible repercussions:
If DotMe receives a complaint, it will be forwarded to customer for a
response and a complete explanation of the process taken to reach a
resolution. If within twenty-four (24) hours there is no response
indicating complete resolution, DotMe Inc may block traffic to and from
the Domain name involved in the spam complaint (i.e. suspend the account)
until DotMe Inc is convinced that the problem is resolved and preventative
measures have been implemented to prevent the violation from recurring. If
DotMe Inc receives repeat complaints indicating that a problem has not
been resolved, DotMe Inc may suspend or cancel the offenders account, at
their sole discretion. DotMe Inc may charge customer and customer
shall pay $1000.00 per valid spam complaint of which DotMe Inc is
DotMe Inc also reserves the right to block traffic to and from the Domain
name (ex) involved in hacking, and/or other malicious activity.
DotMe Inc also reserves the right to cancel an account of a known or
alleged spammer without any notice at their sole discretion.
Receipt of Spam
DotMe Inc does not accept unsolicited commercial email as defined by
California Business and Professions Code Section 17538.45. DotMe
Inc defines "spam mail" as any email addressed to a person
with whom the sender does not have a prior relationship with, sent
without the express consent of the recipient. California has
several laws regarding spam email that apply not only to DotMe Inc
members, but also to anyone using DotMe inc to deliver mail. (including
delivering mail to a DotMe Inc address) One of these laws provides for a
$50/spam up to a $25,000 penalty/day for spamming, defining spam in the
following manner: "It is addressed to a recipient with whom the
initiator does not have an existing business or personal
relationship" and "It is not sent at the request of or with
the express consent of the recipient." These laws may be found
We reserve the right to press charges under the appropriate laws in
addition to the charges we impose upon a user who has violated this
acceptable use policy.